Earth-moving machinery Engine test code Net power GB/T16936-1997土方机械发动机净功率试验规范
An input end of the charger is connected with an electric generating device or an electric net power supply. 充电器的输入端与发电装置或者电网电源联接。
Measurement methods of net power for automotive engines GB/T17692-1999汽车用发动机净功率测试方法
The ratio of net power to wet bed ′ s power increases with augment of rotating speed and liquid flow rate. 净功率与湿床功率之比随转速、流量的提高而增加。
Furthermore, regarding the net power flow of main vibration system as the controlled object, discussed profoundly are the optimal design strategy of one or several absorbers controlled single or multiple models of the continuous parameters system, and it is validated by numerical calculus with computer. 提出了以注入主阵系的净功率流为控制目标的动力吸阵器优化设计策略,并通过计算数值仿真验证了该方法的有效性。
Following an analysis of the characteristics of PEMFC distributed power generating systems and of the relationship between operation parameters and net power output, a proposal is presented for constituting a complex nonlinear inverse based model of PEMFC's power output by making use of BP neural networks. 分析PEMFC分布式发电系统的工作特点以及各工作参数与净输出功率之间的关系,提出利用BP神经网络实现PEMFC输出功率的复杂非线性逆模型。
The Finite Element Analysis of Net Power System 电力系统网络的有限元分析
The results are proved to be consistent with the known net power output and ISO temperature of the gas turbine. 计算和推测所得到的冷却空气参数和分配规律与燃机净功率以及ISO温度基本吻合。
This symbiotic approach is to be optimized as a whole, supplying its own tritium and producing net power spending deuterium, lithium and fast fissile materials. 这两类堆长期结合共生,配合发展.形成一系需氚的纯聚变堆和一系供氚的混合堆,统一优化,保持氚自给,消耗氘锂和快中子裂变材料,提供净输出功率。
Research on the Structure Condition for Hydraulic Net Becoming Power Complete Match System and the Control Method 液压恒压网络功率完备匹配的结构条件及其控制方案的研究
At design point, net power supplied by the MCFC stack is80% and20% from the gas turbine. 在设计点工况下,MCFC电堆的发电量占系统总发电量的80%,剩下20%的电量由燃气轮机提供。
At design point, about 80% net power coming from the stack and 20% from the gas turbine. 在设计点工况下,混合系统的功率约有80%来自燃料电池电堆,20%由燃气轮机提供。
The Realization and Research of Remote Monitoring and Control in the Loop Net Power Distribution System Based on the Interbus Technology 基于Interbus总线技术的环网配电监控系统的研究与实现
Under power plant market circumstance, it's much necessary to fast and reasonably draft up net power price. 在发电侧市场环境下,快速合理地测算发电企业上网电价是十分必要的。
In the literature [ 1], the calculating methods about the storage energy, the net power loss of coherent light in the cavity and the linewidth of laser light in accordance with such laser in which the distribution of light intensity was transverse nonuniform had been discussed. 在参考文献[1]中,作者曾针对激光器内光强分布的横向不均匀性,讨论了腔内相干光净损耗功率、贮能和激光频宽的计算方法。
The second criterion for a thermonuclear fusion reactor producing zero net power 产生零功率的热核聚变堆第二判据
In this paper, we discuss the cutting characteristics of fibers passing through two discs and deduce the relationship of average cutting coefficient with average gap clearance 、 net power 、 geometrical parameters of disc. 讨论了纸浆纤维在盘磨机打浆时所受到的剪切特性,并由此推导出平均剪切系数与磨片平均间隙、有用功及磨片几何尺寸之间的关系。
The steel net power attenuator of CO_2 laser CO2激光钢网功率衰减器
Based on real time data of condenser and circulating water system, the net power increment of an unit was calculated in different operation styles of circulating water pump. 根据电厂凝汽器与循环水系统的实时运行数据,计算循环水泵在不同运行方式下机组的净增功率。
A mathematical model of dual-objective programming was developed, in which a number of thermal parameters of exhaust gas boiler-turbogenerator system were taken as design variables and investment cost and net electrical power output of the system were taken as two objective ejections. 在建立的多目标优化模型中,将余热锅炉&汽轮发电机组的主要热力参数作为设计变量,选取系统造价和输出电功率作为两个目标函数。
In this paper, on-line dynamic parameter identification based on 6-dimensional wrist force sensor is studied and investigated, and a neural network model of the identification is established, the net's power after learning is the inertial parameters. 本文基于腕力传感器的输出信号,对在线识别机器人操作臂末端的惯性参数的方法进行了分析和研究,并建立了惯性参数在线识别的神经网络模型,网络学习后其权值即为辨识的惯性参数。
This control method may not only restrict the area subsystem net exchange power with other subsystem to the plan value, but also restrict every tie line transition power separately kept to the constant power. 该方法不仅能维持区域系统对外净交换功率的计划值,同时还可分别维持每条联络线交换功率的计划值,而且提高了控制实施的有效性。
Its main idea is to replace the UPFC by a net power input and a constant voltage. 该模型的主要设计思想是将系统中的UPFC用注入功率和恒定电压等值表示,从而将UPFC从等值网络中移去。
Real-time On-line Computer Monitoring on Local Net in Power Plant 电厂局域网计算机在线实时监测方法
The prevailing method of DC system grounding fault detection, such as low frequency injection method, is prone to be impacted by the loop net in power systems, and leads to wrong detection result. 现有直流供电系统的单相接地故障检测方法,如低频信号注入法,容易受到环网的影响,导致错误的检测结果。
Traditional approach separates loss allocation from power flow tracing and needs to approximate the net power flow. 传统算法在实际工程计算中要对线路净潮流进行近似,且把网损分摊和潮流跟踪独立开来。
Net power loss of coherent light in laser cavity and the linewidth of laser 激光腔内的相干光净损耗功率和输出频宽
Dynamic Compensation for Electricity Net Power 电网功率因数的动态补偿
Application of 10 kV Circular Net Power Distribute System 环网型10kV配电系统应用
This paper starts from physical tracking of net power and the concept of cost of conservation, proposing the transmission costs model which considers the network loss only. 本文以电网功率物理追踪和费用守恒原则为基础,提出了仅计及网损的输电成本模型。